Lead MEP René Repasi (S&D, Germany) will explain and answer questions on Parliament’s negotiating position ahead of talks with Council.
When: Tuesday, 21 November 2023, 14.30 CET
Where: European Parliament in Strasbourg, Daphne Caruana Galizia press conference room (WEISS N -1/201)
How: Accredited media representatives can attend the press conference in person. Journalists wishing to ask questions remotely need to connect via Interactio.
The press conference will also be web streamed live and recorded on the Parliament’s Multimedia Centre.
MEPs will debate on Monday and vote on Tuesday on draft legislation to make it easier for consumers to repair defective goods even after the guarantee has expired. To make repairs more attractive and accessible, MEPs propose that consumers should receive replacement devices on loan whilst their device is being repaired, refurbished goods should be promoted as an alternative, there should be more spare parts available for independent repairers, and financial incentives should be offered to consumers who opt for repair. The proposal complements other ongoing EU initiatives that pursue the European Green Deal objective of sustainable consumption and the circular economy (Ecodesign and Empowering consumers for the green transition).
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